Email list of furniture stores in WV

Email list of furniture stores professionals in WV

I handpick all these leads personally ❤️
- 1,000+ verified leads
- CEO personal information and email
- Company data like revenue, size, etc
- Every single data point is verified by hand.
- Every single email is verified by hand.
- 0% bounce rates.

I want these leads for $500 ⤴

Many customers have made $100,000+ using my leads ❤️

If you’re looking for high ticket clients, you need to have the CyberLeads list. I’m only a few months in and they've been responsive and helpful to every single question and piece of feedback I’ve posed. Most importantly, using their leads has led to new clients each month, our newest client being worth $40,000 / year.

Outbound is a core acquisition strategy for my business. I have personally used D&B Hoover's, manually scraped prospects and thrown them into and purchased countless lists from "trusted providers." In the first months that my team started using CyberLeads, we closed a $54,000/year deal.

We love CyberLeads. Alex is super responsive with any questions that our business has and I almost don't want more people to sign up because it's our sales and marketing edge! Using the leads, we managed to close a $10,000 deal that could turn into $80,000 over the course of the year!

Check out our leads ⤴

Handpicked by Alex ❤️